HyperSnap mo┐e byµ te┐ sterowany przy u┐yciu komend g│osowych. W chwili obecnej komendy te dostΩpne s╣ wy│╣cznie w jΩzyku angielskim, dlatego pozostawiamy ten rozdzia│ nieprzet│umaczony.
You can use the voice commands listed here within HyperSnap. If you encounter problems, go to Windows Control Panel and locate "Speech Properties" or a similar icon.
Make sure you use a high quality microphone. Like all current speech recognition technology, this one requires a respectable pause between all commands in order for them to process. The faster your computer, the faster you'll be able to speak the commands, to a certain point. The more background noise you have in your work area and the worse speech commands will perform, too.
Say Capture or Snap, and optionally add the, followed by any of the following items:
Say Take or Get, and optionally add the, followed by:
For users with physical limitations, speech technology offers new-found freedom and will allow many for the first time to be able to use our program with relative ease.